Bryan King

software designer and engineer

This site is a work-in-progress. If you're looking to hire me, please email bpking15 (at) to see a portfolio.

Flagstar Bank

I was with Flagstar for almost 5 years, working on an IT team that serviced the marketing department. I was a UX/UI Developer, helping to shape the end-user experience for, along with other internal and external marketing properties. I worked on an Agile team of 6 developers, and also a Product Manager and graphic designer from marketing.

Often, I was passed a static mock-up of what the end result should look like from the graphic designer, and then worked to fill in the gaps. Requirements were typically very loosely stated, so I had to ask detailed questions to make sure we built the right thing. Because my work always ended in front-end code, I tended to skip the design tools and head straight for the browser to do prototyping. I found that this worked well in my particular situation, as it was easier to start talking about the final product this way.

Here's a selection of projects I worked on over the years:

Loan Officer Profile Pages (2020)

View Example

Flagstar took pride in having agents that truly cared about customer service. One way they decided to showcase their talented loan officers was to create profiles right on the website. Flagstar acquired another bank, and in the process brought in 200 new loan officers. To celebrate, we decided to redesign the loan officer pages to match the current creative direction. In addition, we added some additional content, like videos, procedures and financial calculators, to the page, which the loan officer could utilize to customize their page.

Flagstar Search (2019)

View Search

As Flagstar continued to expand, it needed to be better at surfacing the proper information when customers needed it. We wanted to modernize the existing functionality by introducing predictive search and category filtering.

Flagstar Resource Center (2019)

View Resource Center

Flagstar aimed to provide financial education to all, so we rolled out a series of helpful articles for consumers. Additionally, these articles helped to build brand equity and work to improve SEO rankings on our domain.

Branch & ATM Locator (2018)

View Branch Locator

Flagstar wanted a more dynamic mapping experience from their existing static locations directory. We utilized the Google Maps API and its advanced features to update the map any time the user repositioned the map. Instead of including the turn-by-turn directions as it did previously, we opted to send the user over to Google Maps, where they could get directions in the way they were most familiar. Redesign (2017)

View Homepage

This was nearly a year-long project to redesign in accordance with new brand guidelines. We worked with a 3rd party agency, who provided a lot of creative direction. I worked closely with both agency and internal partners to prototype new site functionality. We had weekly demos for the team, where I would show off the new work and collect feedback.